From small beginnings …….
Although the idea of a History of Dentistry Unit was first mooted by Dr H. Noble in a paper in December 1984, it was not until January 1996 that the Group was formed following informal discussions initiated by Professor McGowan. An inaugural meeting of interested parties was held at the Post Graduate Dental Centre, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School on 10 January 1996. Present were Prof. McGowan, Sir David Mason, Drs H.Noble and R.M. Ross; R. McKechnie and W. Smith. It was agreed that Dr Noble be appointed Chairman and Dr Ross Secretary. Dr Henry Noble died on 10th October 2004 and Dr Ross was elected Chairman and Dr S. Taylor Secretary at a meeting of the group on 1st November 2004.
Current and Future Activities
An important project undertaken by the Group has been the publication of an up-date to the work of T. Brown Henderson’s History of the Dental Hospital and School 1879-1979. This has been compiled by Bill Smith. The Group is in the process of compiling an Index of Archival material to be located at the dental branch library and in co-operation with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow hopes to produce a list of books with dental titles held in the College library.
Membership is open to all with an interest in the history of dentistry.